A recommitment to true SUV excitement, performance, and functionality

RAV4, the vehicle that created the small Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) segment, is now making its fifth-generation debut. Over the last five years, RAV4 sales volume has doubled. In 2017, the model was the second-best-selling automobile in the world after the Toyota Corolla.
Despite this outstanding record of success, Toyota is determined to be ahead of the trends. While the total SUV market is growing worldwide, current SUV design is becoming more and more similar to that of passenger cars. Making a bold shift toward what it envisions as the future of the segment, Toyota has recommitted itself to delivering true SUV excitement, performance, and functionality.
In every dimension—exterior styling, interior appointments, and performance characteristics—the fifth-generation RAV4 expands upon what made its predecessors global hit vehicles while breaking with the aesthetic and functional limitations of passenger cars. This is an SUV that embraces modern urban sophistication while being fully ready for off-road adventures.
What’s new for the fifth generation
The following are the highlights of what makes the fifth-generation RAV4 a radical new entry in the SUV segment:
•Exterior styling based on the principles of Adventure and Refinement.
RAV4 offers a truly exciting new look that inspires users to take on new challenges. Adventure: A simple yet strong message of waku-doki (Japanese for “heart-pumping excitement”), suggesting that drivers can drive anywhere they want. Refinement: A sophisticated design that fits in urban situations.
•Confident and Natural performance
Confident and Natural was the key concept in the development of the RAV4’s vehicle performance, handling stability and ride comfort–with human sensibilities at the heart of everything. We wanted to ensure the vehicle reacts exactly as the driver intends, for a natural feel. And wanted to make sure sense of stability is maintained even in extreme conditions, so that the driver and occupants feel confident.
•New Dynamic Torque Vectoring AWD
Standard on select grades, Dynamic Torque Vectoring All-Wheel Drive with Rear Driveline Disconnect is the first torque vectoring function to be featured on a Toyota brand vehicle. It sends up to 50 percent of engine torque to the rear wheels while optimally distributing it to the left or right rear wheel for improved handling and enhanced traction in both on- and off-road environments. When AWD isn’t required, RAV4 can achieve better fuel economy thanks to the Rear Driveline Disconnect system.
Thanks to these features and many more, the fifth-generation RAV4 is the most exciting RAV4 yet and puts considerable distance between itself and competitors. The big winners are SUV drivers, who will enjoy styling, performance, and functionality that are unprecedented in the segment.