Toyota Genuine Motor Oil

Prolong the life of your Toyota and enhance its performance by using Toyota Genuine Motor Oil – the lifeblood of your engine.
Toyota Genuine Motor Oil is formulated to the highest standards and specifications to keep your vehicle in tip-top condition. A variety of Toyota Genuine Motor Oil products are available, including engine, transmission and differential oil.
Why choose to use Toyota Genuine Motor Oil?
We strongly recommend that you use Toyota genuine lubricants to optimize the maintenance of your vehicle's engine and transmission.
Choose Toyota Genuine Motor Oil because it has excellent anti-wear protection. It conducts superior cleaning and anti-corrosion properties, enhanced high/low temperature and extreme condition performance. Importantly, it keeps peak performance and longevity over recommended periods of service intervals. Also, it reduces sludging at minimal low temperature.
Get Genuine Toyota Parts and spares to maintain and prolong the life of your Toyota vehicle!
We do recommend our customers to use Toyota Genuine Parts which are approved by the engineering team that developed your car.
Come to any of our branches and be part of the customers who have that peace-of-mind that comes from 100% certainty.